Dangerous ImpulsesGordon Butler is a favorite of many fans of the Rocky Bluff P.D. series. Though a by-the-book cop to the point of obsession, he is beginning to change. He’s been the butt of a lot of jokes by his fellow officers because nothing seems to go right for him, from wrecking brand new police cars to losing his wife to a fellow officer.

Always sharp looking in his uniform, Gordon has an innocent aura because of his pink cheeks. He rents a room from Officer Stacey Milligan’s parents after Stacey married Detective Milligan. He looks forward to work and on this particular day, is even happier than usual. He is going to show the new-hire, Lizette Gibbs, around the beach community of Rocky Bluff.

Lizette is one gorgeous gal. Gordon’s last romance ended badly and he can’t help but hope. A call comes in for them to check on the welfare of a teen. At the apartment, where the young man lives with his mother, Gordon makes a grim discovery. He calls for the detectives. He and Lizette are directed to question the neighbors.

Once that is done and their reports made, they go back out in the field. Over a late lunch, Gordon learns more about Lizette, including the fact that she doesn’t plan on having a relationship with any of her fellow officers. He’s disappointed but hopes in time he’ll be able to change her mind.

The Rocky Bluff P.D. series is a bit different than most police procedurals in the fact that there is a cast of characters who appear in each book, though the starring role changes from book-to-book. The personal lives of the officers and their families is as important as the solving of the crimes.

Now a bit about Dangerous Impulses

An attractive new-hire captivates Officer Gordon Butler, Officer Felix Zachary’s wife Wendy is befuddled by her new baby, Ryan and Barbara Strickland receive unsettling news about her pregnancy, while the bloody murder of a mother and her son and an unidentified drug that sickens teenaged partiers jolts the Rocky Bluff P.D.

Contest: The person who comments on the most blog posts on this blog tour may have a character named after him or her in the next Rocky Bluff P.D. crime novel or choose a book from the previous titles in the Rocky Bluff P.D. series in either paper or for Kindle.

Rocky Bluff P.D. Series:

Though each book in the Rocky Bluff P.D. series is written as a stand-alone, I know there are people who like to read a series in order. From the beginning to the end:

  • Final Respects
  • Bad Tidings
  • Fringe Benefits
  • Smell of Death
  • No Sanctuary
  • An Axe to Grind
  • Angel Lost
  • No Bells
  • Dangerous Impulses

Meet the author
F.M. is also known as Marilyn Meredith, the author of the Deputy Tempe Crabtree series. She first became interested in writing about law enforcement when she lived in a neighborhood filled with police officers and their families. The interest was fanned when her daughter married a police officer and the tradition has continued with a grandson and grandson-in-law who are deputies. She’s also serves on the board of the Public Safety Writers Association, and has many friends in different law enforcement fields. For twenty plus years, she and her husband lived in a small beach community located in Southern California much like the fictional Rocky Bluff. She is a member of three chapters of Sisters in Crime, Epic, and Mystery Writers of America.

Webpage: fictionforyou.com
Blog: marilynmeredith.blogspot.com
And I’m on Facebook and Twitter.