Ivy first appeared in MacDeath and one of the best ways to learn about a person is by asking questions, so let’s get to know Ivy.

What is your name?
My real name is Olive Ziegwart, but my agent, well, let’s just say she was having none of that, so I had to come up with a stage name. At first I took the name of my first pet and combined it with the name of the street where I grew up. My drag queen friends used this method to create great names like Mitzi Eldorado or Squeaky Dora, but mine ended up being Stubby Rural Route Number Two. So instead, I’m Ivy Meadows (I took the name from a subdivision off the 51 that has neither ivy nor meadows, this being Phoenix and all.)

How old are you?
Let’s just say I’m on the older edge of my ingénue phase. And though I’m in my 20s, I did play Liesl (16 going on 17) just a couple of years ago.

What is your profession?
I’m an actor and a private investigator (I just got my license!). I first started working at my Uncle Bob’s PI firm just to make ends meet, but found that I liked detective work.

Do you have a significant other?
Yes. I met Matt when he was working at my brother’s group home. Now he’s a full-fledged social worker, a bit of a geek (he loves science fiction), and a kind, sensible, wonderful guy. That’s right (cue music), I’m in love with a wonderful guy!

Do you have any sibling(s)?
I have a brother, Cody. We’ve really just become close these past few years—my fault, not his. He lives with a brain injury—the result of an accident when we were young, also my fault. He’s doing great now. He lives in a group home with his friends and has a job and a girlfriend.

Who is your best friend?
Matt’s my best friend (isn’t it cool to be in love with your best friend?), but my best girlfriend is Candy Moonpie, who sadly moved out of town (BTW, Candy Moonpie is not her real name. Candy Treat is).

Cats, dogs or other pets?
I wish! Actors often travel out of town and almost always have weird work schedules. I have to get my pet fix by dog-sitting my friend’s pug Lassie.

What town do you live in?
I live in Phoenix, Arizona, in a small old apartment complex with a pool surrounded by bright green Astroturf (sometimes the pool is bright green, too).

What is your favorite spot in your house?
Hmm. . .my apartment is really small. I guess the living room is my favorite room, mostly because it’s the only room that fits more than one person at a time (okay, the bedroom fits two people but only if you’re in bed).

Favorite meal?
Anything someone else pays for. Just kidding, sort of. Acting pays little, and I work just part-time at my PI job, so it’s good that I am a big fan of beans.

Favorite dessert?
I love ice cream, but only when it’s hot outside. Nice to live in a place where it’s usually hot outside.

Favorite hobby?
That’s a tough one. Theatre takes up most of the time I’m not hanging out with Matt or Cody, but it’s definitely more than a hobby. Theatre is my passion.

Favorite vacation spot?
I used to think my dream vacation spot was NYC, specifically Broadway, until I went to Ashland, Oregon. They have a fabulous theatre festival that runs most of the year in the midst of gorgeous mountain scenery.

Favorite color?
Blue. You should see the skies in Arizona, such a deep blue they don’t look real.

Favorite author?
Shakespeare! He could do it all: comedy, tragedy, and poetry. And he coined so many terms we use every day, like “Mum’s the word,” and “the game is afoot” and “hoisted by his own petard” (other people say that, too, right?)

Favorite sports team?
I’m not a huge sports fan, but I do like the Arizona Diamondbacks. Uncle Bob once accused me of only liking baseball for the beer and hotdogs and sunshine. He may be right.

Movies or Broadway?
Broadway! At least I think so. I’ve never actually been (you’ll notice I said dream vacation spot in my earlier answer). It’s just so far away and so expensive and money is tight. That said, I am saving up.

Are you a morning or a night person?
Definitely a night person. Just one more reason the theatre lifestyle fits me perfectly.

Amateur sleuth or professional?
A professional! One who mostly types and files things, but still a professional. Did I mention that I just got my PI license?

Whom do you work with when sleuthing?
I am lucky to have the best mentor in the world, my uncle Bob— fabulous PI, fabulous person, not-so fabulous fashion sense (Hawaiian shirts, the louder the better).

In a few sentences, what is a typical day in your life like?
My schedule changes drastically from day today, but here’s a page from my last week’s calendar:

  • Get up way too early (7:30!) so I can be at Duda Detectives (my uncle’s firm) by 9 o’clock. Pick up bagels on the way.
  • Work alongside Uncle Bob until 1:00. Change into an outfit that says “suburban mom but not soccer mom” for a commercial audition. Put on heels because the casting agent thinks I am too short (I am a respectable 5’4”).
  • Wait with a gaggle of other “suburban not soccer moms” to be called into an audition where I say, “It’s so easy!” ten different ways (which is not easy).
  • Go back to the office to finish up some work, then grab a bean burrito at Filiberto’s drive-through for dinner, and head to rehearsal at New Vintage Theatre.
  • Call Matt when I get home at 11:30, and talk until we’re both falling asleep.

That’s a good typical day. No murders or anything.

Giveaway: Leave a comment below for your chance to win a digital copy (Kindle or Nook) of Killalot. The giveaway will end November 21, 2018. Good luck everyone!

You can read about Ivy in Killalot, the sixth book in the “Ivy Meadows” humorous mystery series.

A jouster, a playwright, and a detective walk into a faire. . .

But it’s no joke when one ends up dead. Actress and part-time PI Ivy Meadows is thrilled when she learns that the famous playwright behind Hello Dolly Madison is in Arizona. Not so much when she realizes he’s a suspect in the murder of a Renaissance faire jouster.

As is her friend Riley. And about a thousand other people, all disguised in Renaissance costume during the fatal jousting match.

When Ivy is hired to investigate the killing, she goes undercover as a Cockney belly dancer at the faire and finagles her way into the playwright’s Kennedy-inspired version of Camelot–as Marilyn Monroe, no less.

Then, in the midst of her toughest case ever, Ivy has to solve another dilemma: Will she follow her lifelong dream of being an actor or settle down with the love of her life?

The murder investigation, the play, and real life come together in a twist that begs the question: Is there a happily-ever-after for anyone?

Purchase Link
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About the author
Cindy Brown has been a theater geek (musician, actor, director, producer, and playwright) since her first professional gig at age 14. Now a full-time writer, she’s the author of the Agatha-nominated Ivy Meadows series, madcap mysteries set in the off, off, OFF Broadway world of theater. Cindy and her husband live in Portland, Oregon, though she made her home in Phoenix, Arizona, for more than 25 years and knows all the good places to hide dead bodies in both cities. She’d love to connect with readers at cindybrownwriter.com (where they can sign up for her Slightly Silly Newsletter) or on Facebook or Twitter.

All comments are welcomed.