Collared for MurderI’m a cop.

I deal with evidence. Cold hard facts. I don’t usually spend a lot of time dwelling on feelings. But lately, that’s changed.

I’ve been dating Izzy McHale, owner of Trendy Tails Pet Boutique, for several months now, and it’s already getting pretty serious. At least on my side, it’s serious.

Izzy drives me crazy, in both the good way and the bad way. For starters, she’s a knock-out: long black hair, even longer legs, big green eyes a man can lose himself in for days. You get the picture. But Izzy’s so much more than a pretty face. She’s kind and honest and funny as heck (though sometimes she doesn’t mean to be). She doesn’t have a lick of guile anywhere in her, and I kind of love that about her.

Love? Did I just say ‘love’? Man, am I in trouble.

Because, you see, Izzy drives me crazy in the crazy sort of way, too. First, there’s her strange relationship with Sean Tucker. Those two have some sort of history, though I’m not really sure what it is. I suppose I could ask, but I’m not sure I’d like the answer I get.

Seriously, it’s not like me to hide from the truth, but I can’t bring myself to pry into Izzy’s relationship with Sean. Sleeping dogs, and all that.

Second, Izzy has a killer knack for finding trouble. Did I mention I’m a cop? It’s my job to put the kibosh on trouble, but Izzy’s always smack in the middle of it. There was the murder at the grand opening of her store. And then the murder at the wedding she was throwing. Not only does murder seem to follow her around like a second shadow, but she can’t resist the urge to investigate. That’s my job. Not hers. Like I said, she makes me crazy.

I’m hoping that we’ve put all the crime and mystery behind us. Izzy’s store is really taking off, and she’s got a plum location at the pet-related event of the year: the Midwest Cat Fanciers’ annual cat show and retreat. Izzy’s gotten to know the movers and shakers in the organization, and I’m hoping her store is going to keep her too busy to get into any more trouble.

A guy can dream, right?

So today marks a turning point for me. I’m going to meet Izzy at the cat show, and I’m going to hug her senseless. I’m going to try to pretend that her friendship with Sean doesn’t bug me. I’m going to focus on a future free of murderous shenanigans. And I’m going to get in touch with my feelings.

You can read more about Jack in Collared for Murder, the third book in the “Pet Boutique” mystery series, published by Obsidian. The first two books in the series are Paws for Murder and Groomed for Murder.

GIVEAWAY: Leave a comment by 12 a.m. eastern on June 9 for the chance to win a copy of Collared for Murder. The giveaway is open to U.S. residents only. Winner will be notified within 48 hours after giveaway closes and you will have three days to respond after being contacted or another winner will be selected. Make sure to check your SPAM folder.

About the author
Annie Knox doesn’t commit–or solve–murders in her real life, but her passion for animals is 100% true. She’s also a devotee of 80s music, Asian horror films, and reality TV. While Annie is a native Buckeye and has called a half dozen states “home,” she and her husband now live in a crumbling historic house just a stone’s throw from the courthouse square in a north Texas town. Visit Annie at