Sometimes the best way to know a person is by asking questions, so let’s meet Julia.

What is your name?
My name is Julia Elizabeth Bonatti.

How old are you?
I’m 37 years old, I was 36 when the Zodiac Mysteries began.

What is your profession?
I’m an astrologer and I write an astrological advice column for the Chronicle called AskZodia.

Do you have a significant other?
Sadly, no. My fiancé died a few years ago. He was killed in a hit and run accident.

Any children?
No, and it’s not looking like a possibility either.

Do you have any sibling(s)?
Nope. I’m an only child. My grandmother raised me after my parents were killed in an accident on the Bay Bridge.

Cats, dogs or other pets?
Oh yes, my cat Wizard. He’s all black and weighs 20 pounds and he’s the only man in my life.

What town do you live in?
San Francisco.

House or building complex?
I have a small four room apartment on the second floor of a duplex. I have a living room, bedroom, kitchen and a second room I use as an office for my clients.

Do you rent or own?
I rent. I wish I could buy my own apartment, but San Francisco is so expensive. If I could, I’d choose this neighborhood because it’s close to the ocean and socked in with fog every day. I grew up in my grandmother’s house in North Beach, but after living here in this neighborhood, I’d want to hear the foghorns all the time.

What is your favorite spot in your house?
I guess I’d have to say my office. That’s where I do most of my work and meet with my clients. The back window faces east toward the city and at night I can see the lights twinkling.

Who is your best friend?
Gale Hymson, the owner of the Mystic Eye, is my best friend. It’s really because of her that I became an astrologer. Before that, I wasn’t sure what I was going to do with my life. Cheryl Perugia is just as close a friend. I met her when Gale hired her to manage the Mystic Eye.

Amateur sleuth or professional?
I might be a professional astrologer, but I’m definitely an amateur sleuth.

Whom do you work with when sleuthing?
I’m a lone wolf for the most part, but I’m happy to have help when needed, professional or otherwise.

Favorite meal?
My grandmother Gloria’s baked lasagna. She’s a fantastic cook and sends me home with all sorts of care packages.

Favorite dessert?
I don’t have much of a sweet tooth, with the exception of dark, bitter-sweet chocolate. If it’s that or a dessert made with dark chocolate, I’m lost! I’ll eat the whole thing.

Favorite hobby?
I can’t really say I have a hobby as such. I’m too busy with my work and my friends and the time I spend at the Mystic Eye for their psychic fairs. Not to mention the crimes I find myself involved in.

I don’t really cook and I don’t sew. I’m spoiled I guess because my grandmother is an expert at both of those things.

Actually, now that I think of it, I’d like to learn more about psychometry. That’s a subject that’s always fascinated me. And the Eye is the perfect place to pick up some books or meet someone knowledgeable. I do believe that objects hold energy and that by touching an object, you can learn who owned it and how they felt. It’s a fascinating idea, isn’t it?

Favorite vacation spot?
My favorite spots are the ones I’ve never visited. So here goes. Here are the places I’d like to see – Istanbul (exotic spices, gorgeous rugs), Tibet (I’ve heard the monks can move objects with sound), Paris (I took French in high school, maybe it’ll all come back), Budapest (because it’s so ancient and full of history) and Venice (I’d love to live in another place surrounded by water).

Favorite color?
I do like Scorpionic colors – purples and greens so dark they’re closer to black. And red. I guess red in every shade imaginable is my favorite.

Favorite author?
Any good astrology writer, of course, like Noel Tyl or Liz Greene or Stephen Arroyo. Oh, do you mean fiction? Uh, well, I don’t really read much fiction, but I do love the old grade B horror or sci-fi films from the 1950’s. You know, movies like Curse of the Mummy or Dracula or I Was a Teenage Werewolf. My friends laugh at me for loving those movies, but I don’t care, let them laugh.

Favorite sports team?
I know absolutely nothing about sports. I once went to a baseball game and once a hockey game. I really enjoyed watching the fights the hockey players got into. But baseball . . . well, all I can say is it moves so slowly!

Movies or Broadway?
Broadway’s a bit far for me, although I do enjoy catching road tours that come to the west coast. I look for foreign films when I go out to the movies. And as I said, if there’s a tacky black and white horror or sci-fi on TV, that’s what I’ll watch. I also have a great DVD collection too – vampires, mummies, atomic ants, brain eating bugs. You know the thing.

Are you a morning or a night person?
I’m both. I like to wake up early, fuel myself with really strong Italian coffee. Work for hours, then take a lovely nap so I can keep going till the wee hours.

In a few sentences, what is a typical day in your life like?
Wizard never lets me sleep in. He always comes first. I get up and open a fresh can of one of his faves, like salmon in gravy, and feed him first. I make a big mug of coffee and head back to bed to snuggle up and contemplate my day. Wizard always joins me after his breakfast and usually falls asleep under the covers.

After coffee, I get washed, dressed and tackle my work. I check my emails and messages and return phone calls. My day really revolves around clients’ appointments. That can take hours, but if I have no one scheduled, I get other charts ready ahead of time and then spend a few hours answering questions for AskZodia, my newspaper column. There are so many people who ask for help, I wish I could answer every single letter. I write that column anonymously. No one, except the editor and his assistant, knows that I am Zodia. I like it that way because last year my very sensible response to a question got me in a lot of trouble. Almost got me killed in fact! So that’s my day. Assuming there isn’t a murder . . .

Giveaway: Tell us, have you ever been to an astrologer? Leave a comment below for your chance to win a print copy of Tail Of The Dragon. U.S. entries only, please. The giveaway ends August 9, 2018. Good luck everyone!

You can read about Julia in Tail Of The Dragon, the third book in the “Zodiac” mystery series, coming August 8, 2018. The first book in the series is The Madness of Mercury.

San Francisco astrologer Julia Bonatti never thought murder would be part of her practice, but when her former boss and current client asks for help she agrees to go undercover at his law firm. Three people have received death threats and the only common denominator between them is a case long settled–the infamous Bank of San Francisco fire. Julia’s astrological expertise provides clues but no one wants to listen. Before she can solve the mystery, two people are dead and her own life is in danger. Julia must unmask the killer before he, or she, takes another life.

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About the author
Connie di Marco is the author of the Zodiac Mysteries from Midnight Ink featuring San Francisco astrologer Julia Bonatti. Tail of the Dragon, third in the series, will be released on August 8, 2018. You can visit her website at, on Facebook, or on Twitter.

Writing as Connie Archer, she is also the author of the national bestselling Soup Lover’s Mysteries from Berkley Prime Crime. You can find her excerpts and recipes in The Cozy Cookbook and The Mystery Writers of America Cookbook. Connie is a member of MWA, Sisters in Crime and International Thriller Writers.

All comments are welcomed.