Murder Sends a PostcardI am constantly amazed at the number of people who think they want to be celebrities. You wouldn’t believe how many of them, when they find out I’m on the radio. Want to know my “secret.” I can’t seem to convince them that Karen Freed, “Voice of the Shores,” isn’t rich and famous – and dying to teach them the secret handshake.

If I’m a celebrity (and I’d argue that isn’t true) it’s of the Big-Fish-Small-Pond variety. True, I know everybody in town, talk to the entire Keyhole Bay region on my daily news broadcasts, and have my nose in everybody’s business, but the reality isn’t nearly so grand.

Know everybody in town? That’s a lot easier when the population hovers around 7,000 and I’ve lived here since I was a kid. And that “Keyhole Bay region” thing? It’s few square miles, a lot of it water, or swampland, or sparsely-populated backwoods.

As for getting in everybody’s business, well, that much is true. But that’s just my job. A job I absolutely love. And one that comes in handy when my best friend, Glory Martine, gets herself in trouble.

Glory likes getting in everybody’s business, too. Her excuse is that gossip is the official hobby of Keyhole Bay, but she doesn’t exactly fight it, if you get my drift. Problem is, she has a knack for meddling with dead bodies, and for landing herself in the hospital. If I didn’t know better, I’d say she had a thing for doctors (but I happen to know she has a thing for book store owners, one in particular).

I could be a celebrity – or a bigger celebrity, if you actually count the B-F-S-P thing – but I’ve turned down several offers in the past. Tampa, Jacksonville, even Atlanta. Yeah, that Atlanta. It’s my secret, one I haven’t shared with Glory or anyone else. I turned down a shot at some serious celebrity.

I thought that was what I wanted, once upon a time when I was a journalism major. I couldn’t imagine living every day in a small town, doing the same things and seeing the same people.

The people. That’s the real secret. The people I love are here, and I see them every day. That’s a day in my life, and I wouldn’t change it for anything.

Even celebrity.

You can read more about Karen in Murder Sends a Postcard, the third book in the “Haunted Souvenir Shop” mystery series, published by Berkley Prime Crime. The first book in the series is Murder Buys a T-Shirt. Books are available at retail and online booksellers.

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Meet the author
Chris/Christy also writes under other names, including her own and Christy Fifield, depending on the genre and series. Chris has never met a genre she doesn’t like, and has published mystery, romance, adventure, fantasy and science fiction.

Mystery has always been her favorite though, since her great uncle introduced her to the “Perry Mason” books when she was a child. She read each new book as he finished with it and passed it on. The die was cast, she either had to become a lawyer, or a mystery writer. As fate would have it, mystery writer won.

Christy lives on Oregon’s Pacific shore with her writer-husband J. Steven York.

Visit Christy website, Facebook or on Twitter