Law and AuthorI’m on a bit of a tear today. Lizzie Turner here from Ashton Corners, AL, home of the wonderful Ashton Corners Mystery Book Readers and Cheese Straw Society. I also call them fabulous, amazing, supportive. . .I could go on, and often do. They’re the six members of my mystery book club and over the years we’ve grown into a family.

So you can imagine our reactions when one of the members is in jeopardy, or as is happening now, in a state of flux. Bob Miller, the former, now retired police chief who has been divorced for decades and not been allowed to see his daughter in all that time, is taken aback when his granddaughter shows up out of the blue.

You can imagine how he feels! He didn’t even know she existed plus he senses some animosity on her part. Okay, we all can spot that happening. We’re all for one and one for all in the book club so when his granddaughter is suspected of murder, we’re ready to help him clear her name. However, it’s a toss-up as to whether or not I believe her story.

Teensy, not a book club member but an author and dear friend of us all, agrees with me so she takes off to do her own sleuthing. Then again, Teensy has troubles of her own, which she drags me into. Okay, she didn’t have to try too hard to get me involved as I’m happy to help her, especially if it prevents another murder from happening. And we’re both worried that Molly is being taken in by the granddaughter and will soon be forking over lots of cash to support the kid.

Sally Jo and Jacob are really no help this time, as they’re doing some conspiring of their own, if you know what I mean. And while Andie and Stephanie want to help, there’s not a whole lot they can do. Although they certainly do try.

So, back to being on a tear. I tend to get side-tracked what with all that’s going on. I know, you’d never have guessed! Well, it’s BBQ time at Molly’s this weekend and while we have lots of fish the guys caught a few weekends ago and Molly tucked away in her freezer, I’m in charge of my special grilled okra, tomatoes and salsa verde dish. That’s with some special Creole seasoning I mixed together, too. It’s delicious. Want to try some?

Y’all are welcome to come along to the BBQ. You’ll find all the details in Law and Author. Be sure to bring your sun hats and your appetites.

You can read more about Lizzie in Law and Author, the fifth book in the β€œAshton Corners Book Club” mystery series, published by Berkley Prime Crime. The first book in the series is A Killer Read.

GIVEAWAY: Leave a comment by 12 a.m. eastern on Wednesday, September 16 for your chance to win a print copy of Law and Author. The giveaway is open to U.S. and Canadian residents only.

About the author
Erika Chase, in a parallel life AKA Linda Wiken, is a former mystery bookstore owner.

The fifth book, Law and Author, in the Ashton Corners Book Club series was released on Sept. 1st. A second series, the Culinary Cookbook Mysteries is due in 2016 under her other identity. She’s a member of those deadly dames, the Ladies’ Killing Circle. She’s been nominated for an Agatha Award for Best First Novel for A Killer Read and for an Arthur Ellis Award for Best Short Story from Crime Writers of Canada.