motion-for-mischiefJamie Winters mentioned that someone wanted to know about a day in her life, but since she’s really old, like in her thirties, she’s in bed asleep or something right now, so you’re getting me instead. Consider yourself lucky. Don’t tell her I said this, but if we were Batman and Robin, she’d be Robin, and who wants to know what he’s up to all day long?

I’m Maizy Emerson, I’m seventeen, and I help Jamie solve murders. She’s got a job as a glorified legal secretary for a low class law firm, and I do hard and unnecessary time in the classroom, but we rock at the detective thing. My Uncle Curt doesn’t like it much that Jamie keeps finding dead people, but he still helps out sometimes. Which is good for Jamie, because she kind of has a thing going with Uncle Curt. Besides, he’s pretty useful when we need some muscle. Or someone to drive the getaway car.

Personally, I have no time for romance. Sometimes I let Brody Amherst buy me a Sizzli, but that’s just a resource retention calculation on my part. Jamie drives the stegosaurus of cars, so we need to be able to rent Honest Aaron’s junkers when hers breaks down. Honest Aaron doesn’t care that The Man is conspiring to keep me from getting my driver’s license, and I don’t mind little things like rusted-out floors and bloodstains. It’s a symbiotic relationship.

Just because my dad’s a cop doesn’t mean I can’t shop locally.

I should probably tell you that I mostly observe the arbitrary societal norms designed to oppress free thinkers and teenagers, but I had to crash Oxnard Thorpe’s wedding because Jamie was supposedly getting paid to be the maid of honor, and if you know anything about Jamie, it’s that she hates weddings. So there was bound to be serious entertainment value there. It was only a perk that Oxnard was the Adult Diaper King of New Jersey. The situation practically required me to buy that tasteful five dollar thrift store gown and show up. I had a pretty good time, too. If you’ve never checked out a gazillionaire’s mansion, I recommend it. Don’t judge. If rich people don’t want anyone to conduct self-guided tours, they shouldn’t hold parties.

Anyway, for some reason, all the guests left after the food fight, so there was no one around when Jamie and I found the groom dead in the swimming pool. Which might’ve seemed like an accident if Oxnard hadn’t given so many people a reason to want to kill him. We got some help, (if that’s what you want to call it) in finding the killer from Eunice Kublinski, the new lawyer in town. Eunice will be fierce once she gets that fainting problem under control.

And that’s how we got involved in Motion For Mischief.

You can read more about Maizy in Motion For Mischief, the fourth book in the “Jamie Winters” mystery series.

Legal secretary and sometimes-sleuth Jamie Winters thought she’d seen it all. . . until now.

When Oxnard Thorpe, the Adult Diaper King of New Jersey and one of Parker, Dennis’s most important clients, is found dead in the swimming pool of his sprawling mansion on his wedding night, his bride gives Jamie and her teenaged sidekick, Maizy, the green light to find the killer. Could it be the faded society maven, the bridesmaid for hire, the harried housekeeper, Oxnard’s embittered twin siblings, the surly wedding planner, the groom’s sketchy colleague, or even the not-so-blushing bride herself? Just when it seems things couldn’t possibly get more confusing, they get an assist from Eunice Kublinski, the firm’s timid new attorney with a morbid fear of public speaking—which makes things much, much worse! If Jamie doesn’t unravel the truth quickly, she may just be next on the killer’s list!

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Meet the author
Kelly Rey is the author of the Jamie Winters Mysteries and co-author with Gemma Halliday of Sherlock Holmes And The Case Of The Brash Blonde. When she’s not writing, she can be found reading, working out, and avoiding housework.

All comments are welcomed.

Motion For Mischief is available at online booksellers.