Hello there – I’m Matilda Wilde, but folks just call me Tilly. Since the accident that took the lives of my older sister, Morgana, and my mother, Bronwen, I’ve become the matriarch of the Wilde family. Not that we’re much of a family anymore. It’s only my dear niece, Kailyn, and I. But enough belly-aching, as my mother would say; I’m here to tell you about a typical day in my life.

There was a time not long ago when my typical day would have bored you all to tears, even though I’m a sorcerer and highly regarded psychic. We live in a quaint little town up in Schuyler County, New York where tourism pays the bills. We Wildes prefer to keep a low profile, but that’s a whole lot harder since Merlin crash landed in Kailyn’s magick shop. Yes – that Merlin! Imagine someone from hundreds of years ago being plunked down in today’s world without any warning – talk about culture shock. Now multiply all the possibilities for misadventure a thousand fold, because Merlin is the most powerful sorcerer of all time. Nope – not finished yet. Add the fact that he is elderly and suffers from a wee bit of dementia. Now you have a general idea of how different my life has become.

Let me tell you about yesterday, for example. Merlin woke me at dawn to say he was hungry. Are you wondering why he didn’t just use magick to make his breakfast? Well, after he created one too many disasters with mis-remembered spells, Kailyn and I had to forbid his use of them. Not that he always obeys our rules. It seems that his pal, King Arthur, gave him pretty much free reign, and now we’re paying the price.

After Merlin finished a huge breakfast, we went to my shop, Tea and Empathy, which is cheek to jowl with Kailyn’s magick shop. We try to take turns wizard-sitting him, but yesterday I had readings and teas scheduled, and Kailyn was busy investigating the latest murder in town. I left Merlin to entertain himself with the TV and computer. Apparently that wasn’t enough. He decided to bake a blueberry pie by himself. He doubled the amount of blueberries in my recipe and the result was a blueberry river spilling out of my oven and streaming across the kitchen floor. He tried to clean up the mess with a spell that not only stopped the overflow, but solidified it like cement onto my oven and floor. Thankfully when Kailyn returned, she remembered the spell to reverse other spells.

After I was done with the day’s readings, Merlin and I visited another shopkeeper in town to ferret out info for Kailyn’s investigation. To be fair, Merlin has proven to be quite useful in that regard. We make quite the team. When dinnertime rolled around, my poor arthritic toes and bunions were aching too much for me to prepare a meal, so I took Merlin to The Soda Jerk. He polished off a bacon cheeseburger, fries and two strawberry shakes. Back home, while we watched TV, he gave me a wonderful foot rub. Lord only knows where he learned that art, but I didn’t ask. I decided to just be grateful for small favors, like my mother used to say.

You can read more about Tilly in That Olde White Magick, the second book in the “Abracadabra” mystery series.

It’s time to work her crime-solving magic again . . .

Kailyn Wilde enjoys running her shop, Abracadabra, in the quaint New York hamlet of New Camel, where she lives with her six cats. Her family’s been here for centuries, and she’d like to keep up the tradition. But the place may never be the same if a big hotel gets built, so she does her civic duty and attends a town meeting along with her aunt Tilly . . . and Merlin. Yes, that Merlin—though he gets introduced to folks as her “distant English cousin.” The wizard is pretty grumpy about being transported here, but there are things about the modern world he doesn’t mind—like pizza.

Kailyn was prepared for a heated debate about the hotel, but she wasn’t expecting murder. When Tilly finds the body of a board member outside the schoolhouse, Kailyn doesn’t want any suspicion cast on the wrong person. She plans to crack this case, even if she has to talk to every living soul in town—plus a few departed ones . . .

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About the author
Sharon describes her writing career as having two stages. Back in the dark ages, before computers were in every household, she had three paranormal books published. The first one was condensed by Redbook Magazine, the first paperback original they ever condensed. Then life brought her an unexpected challenge by the name of breast cancer. After treatment, she and her oncologist started a not-for-profit to provide information and peer support to breast cancer patients. With the organization up and running, she returned to her first love – writing. This time around she’s been writing cozy mysteries with a paranormal twist. That Olde White Magick is the second book in her Abracadabra Mysteries.

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