Whats A Witch To DoA day in my life? Why would you want to know about a day in my life? I’m not Beyonce. Hell’s bells I’m not even my cousin Erica with her country club ways. I’ll bet a day in her life is a hell of a lot more interesting than one in mine. What do you want to hear about? Running a magic shop in the middle of a recession? Raising two little girls my sister abandoned? My endless To Do list? Because a day in my life is probably a lot like a day in anyone’s. Grocery shopping, laundry, taxes, witchcraft class. Okay, maybe not that last one for y’all. That’s probably why I was asked to do this. Yes, I’m a witch. Surprise, we really exist! So do vampires, werewolves, I think even the Chupacabra. We’re your mail carriers, on the PTA, even appearing on your favorite TV shows. Don’t panic, though. We are just like you…for the most part.

Since you’ve given me this outlet, I would like to set a few things straight about the preternatural community right off the bat. We are not anymore evil than you. Sure vampires drink human blood but most don’t kill. Sure there are a few werewolf attacks a year, but it’s usually an accident. Sure a witch has raised a demon or two through the ages, but they’re the exception, not the rule. 99.9% of witches only use their power for good. Just this week my spells and potions have cured headaches, reversed someone’s luck, even helped with fertility issues. A new life was created in part because of my ability. We are not walking around hexing people we hate, or my favorite bit of mythology, stealing penisus to sacrifice to Satan (seriously, where did THAT come from?) You have nothing to fear from us. Hell’s bells, if history is any indication we have more to fear from you. There is a reason we haven’t revealed our true natures to the world at large. (This topic sometimes comes up at the annual P.C.O. or Preternatural Co-Op Summit, but is always shot down.) I am not a big fan of either pitchforks or being burnt at the stake. Call me crazy.

So, a day in the life of a “wicked” witch is as such: I wake at seven, brush my teeth, and get my nieces ready for school. We’re out the door by eight for the school bus, and then it’s off to work at Midnight Magic. I spend the next eight plus hours helping customers, making potions or charms, and on occasion answering questions or emergencies when my witches’ spells go wrong. Then it’s off to my house where I make dinner, help with homework, on occasion teach a few spells to other witches, get the girls to bed then read until I fall asleep. No flying monkeys, stealing peinusus, or Death Eater meetings (though I wouldn’t mind meeting Ralph Fiennes *growl*). I put my pants on one leg at a time just like you. You’re us, and we’re you. We come in peace. Blessed be.

Mona McGregor’s To Do List:

• Make 20 13 potions/spells/charms
• Put girls to bed
• Help with Debbie’s wedding
• Lose 30 pounds before bachelorette auction
• Deal with the bleeding werewolf on doorstep
• Find out who wants me dead
• Prepare for supernatural summit
• Have a nervous breakdown
• Slay a damn demon
• Fall in love

With her to-do lists growing longer each day, the last thing Mona McGregor—High Priestess and owner of the Midnight Magic shop in Goodnight, Virginia—needs is a bleeding werewolf at her front door. Between raising her two nieces and leading a large coven of witches, Mona barely has time for anything else. Not even Guy, the handsome doctor who’s taken an interest in her.

But now there’s Adam Blue, the sexy beta werewolf of the Eastern Pack who’s been badly hurt, warning Mona that someone wants her dead. Hell’s bells! A demon is stalking her, and Mona starts to suspect her coven members and even her own family could be responsible for it. With two attractive men and a determined demon after her, Mona teams up with Adam to find out who really wants her dead . . . and who really wants her.

Jennifer is giving away one (1) copy of WHAT’S A WITCH TO DO?. Leave a comment to be included in the giveaway. The book will be shipped directly from the author. Contest ends August 2; US entries only.

You can read more about Mona in What’s a Witch to Do?, the first book in the new “Midnight Magic” mystery series, published by Midnight Ink.

Meet the author
Jennifer Harlow spent her restless childhood fighting with her three brothers and scaring the heck out of herself with horror movies and books. She grew up to earn a degree at the University of Virginia which she put to use as a radio DJ, crisis hotline volunteer, bookseller, lab assistant, wedding coordinator, and government investigator. Currently she calls Northern Virginia home but that restless itch is ever present. She is the author of the Amazon Best Selling F.R.E.A.K.S. Squad, and Midnight Magic Series and The Galilee Falls Trilogy. In her free time, she continues to scare the beejepers out of herself watching scary movies and opening her credit card bills.

You can reach out to Jennifer at her website, blog, Twitter, Facebook, Goodreads, and Pinterests.

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