Murder Off the Books by Evelyn David is the first book in the “Sullivan Investigations” mystery series. Publisher: Echelon Press Publishing, February 2007

A retired Irish Cop and a fast-food loving Irish Wolfhound search for the campus murderer while dealing with a scooter-riding senior citizen with with dreams of trenchcoat adventures, a crazed exterminator looking for his ride, and a makeup artist whose mid-life crisis isn’t any the less stressful because her clients never complain.

A half-million dollars has vanished and a college comptroller is dead. Mackenzie Sullivan, recently retired DC cop and newly-minted private detective, really has no interest in the murder. Mac just needs to find the embezzled money for the university’s insurance company. Finding the killer is a bonus that he’s not sure he wants to earn.

This was a good read with plenty of action, a mystery to be solved and humor between the characters. Very good plot. My rating: 3.5 stars

*new-to-me author
Evelyn David is the pseudonym for Marian Edelman Borden and Rhonda Dossett