One wrong word can ruin your life. And no one knows that better than savvy crisis management expert Arden Ward. Problem is, she’s now forced to handle a shocking crisis of her own. Unfairly accused of having an affair with a powerful client, Arden’s life and dreams are about to crash and burn. Then, Arden is given an ultimatum. She has just two weeks to save her career and her reputation.

Dru’s Short Musing:
A complex tale with multiple layers that began to unravel the more you invested in what was happening in a fast-paced and well-written drama.

Hank knows how to tell a story that encapsulates your whole being never letting go until the last page has been read. I enjoyed watching crisis after crisis that befell Arden and how she handled it all. The author was quite adept at pulling me into the fray that corralled out of control, and it was the visually descriptive narrative, engaging dialogue and pointed cues throughout that kept me in the game. When I thought I had an inkling on what was going on and the person responsible, those darn strategically placed twists had me going in another direction, until all was said and done, and our heroine, well, you’ll just have to read this book to see how she fared.

Genre: Psychological Thriller
Release: February 6, 2024
Format: Print, Digital, Audio
Purchase Link

FTC Full Disclosure – I received a digital ARC of this book from the publisher via NetGalley.