Sky HighI’d say today was β€œthe most hectic day ever,” but that describes most days in the Valentine household. Each day seems to top the last, and I can’t decide whether traveling to Florida with Jack (seven), Sophie (five), and my irresistible colleague Dean (35, in case you’re interested) on a major case will take the cake.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m thrilled to have my own P.I. firm, Sky Investigations, but I’m worried maybe Dean and I took a major case too soon, especially since it involves a missing groom who is practically family. Meanwhile, the groom’s mother is desperately sick, and she needs her son in more ways than one. For these reasons and more, I said β€œyes.”

So now we’re following leads to Florida, and I’m scouring my suburban D.C. home for beach toys, sunscreen, and summer clothes we haven’t outgrown. Good thing it’s almost impossible to outgrow a sarong, since Halloween was last month, and I may have eaten a few too many organic, dark-chocolate pumpkins. I doubt Dean and I will hit the beach (while the kids are at my aunt’s beachside rectory), but just in case, I’ll prepare. I wonder what he’ll bring. . .

Sorry. I drifted off there for a second. Dean is hotter than a Florida heat wave, and this will be our first significant time together. In fact, we’d just started dating when the groom disappeared. Dean was extremely gracious and pitched right in.

Listen, it’s late at night (prime productivity time for a mom), and I better finish packing, downloading iPad games for the kids, and trying to comprehend why a beautiful, seemingly innocent bride was left alone on her wedding day. Unfortunately, it brings up old wounds for me, since my late husband had commitment issues. . .but I digress. I’m not going to let myself think about that, although it may resurface as this case progresses. I hope Dean and I can handle itβ€”and whatever else comes our way.

You can read more about Nicki in Sky High, the second book in the β€œNicki Valentine” mystery series, published by Henery Press. The first book in the series is Finding Sky.

GIVEAWAY: Leave a comment by 12 a.m. eastern on Friday, October 9 for your chance to win a print copy of Finding Sky and Sky High. (US entries only, please.) Good luck everyone!

About the author
Susan O’Brien has been passionate about reading and writing since childhood, when she started a neighborhood newspaper and escaped tween stress with mysteries. Since covering her first big story (the birth of gerbils next door), she has worked with USA TODAY, PI Magazine, The Parent Institute and others. Her debut mystery, Finding Sky, was nominated for a Best First Novel Agatha Award. Among Susan’s diverse interests are photography, gardening, loud R&B music, healing prayer and reality TV. She lives with her husband and children in a D.C. suburb and donates part of her earnings to missing children’s organizations. Visit her online at