Dead_SuiteHi. I’m Sadie Novak. I run a trauma clean company called Scene-2-Clean. Chances are good that if we’ve met recently, it means you’ve lost someone in a violent manner and you need someone with blood borne pathogen training to do the cleanup. Either that, or you’re a ghost. Did I mention I can see and talk to the dead? Well, don’t go blabbing about that to everyone because that’ll shoot my credibility as a trauma cleaner right out the window!

When I’m not mopping up after the dead I’m chatting with them and helping them move on to the next dimension. Usually they’re stuck here because they have unfinished business. Sometimes that unfinished stuff involves bringing they’re killer to justice. It’s not like I have a death wish or a burning desire to come face to face with murderers, but I do feel an obligation to speak for the dead.

My life isn’t all ghosts and murderers. I have my great friend, Maeva, who runs Madam Maeva’s Psychic Café. Having a friend who’s a psychic isn’t as beneficial as you might think. She’s yet to give me winning lottery numbers or predict if I’ll ever marry someone tall, dark and handsome. Speaking of my love life, there’s also my on-again-off-again boyfriend, Zack. And now Owen. Sigh. Maybe we shouldn’t talk about him.

Who has time for love anyway? Right now I’m just trying to earn enough to make my mortgage payment. Currently I’m cleaning up a serial killer’s crime scenes at luxury hotels which is a nice escape from my usual crime scenes. However, the ghosts in posh hotels are just as persistent and the Seattle Slasher is now out to pull me into his deadly web.

Want to know more? Read about it in Dead Suite, the fourth book in Wendy Roberts’ “Ghost Dusters” series. The first book in the series is The Remains of the Dead.

Meet the author
WENDY ROBERTS is an armchair sleuth and a fan of all things mysterious. She lives in British Columbia, with four teens, a tenacious terrier and a sluggish guinea pig. Wendy is the author of the “Ghost Dusters” mystery serious published by Penguin books and also, Grounds to Kill published by Carina Press. You can visit her on the Web at and follow her on Twitter.

Books are available at online booksellers.