Last Dance

When the prom queen is found brutally murdered, Sheriff Sharyn Howard recalls that a similar murder occurred on the night of her prom ten years ago. Her father was the sheriff of Diamond Springs and the man he sent to prison for the murder now sits on death row awaiting his execution. But, Sharyn’s convinced there are too many similarities between the two murders and that the true killer is still at large.

Her move to reopen the first case pits her against the community and her mother, who feels she’ll destroy her father’s reputation in the process. But, Sharyn is determined to discover the truth and catch the real killer before he can strike again.

Release: January 2016
Series: Sharyn Howard #1
Genre: Mystery
Publisher: JLavene
Note: This was previously released in 1999

GIVEAWAY: Leave a comment below for the chance to win a kindle copy of LAST DANCE.  The giveaway will end January 8 at 12 AM EST. Good luck everyone!

About the author
Joyce and Jim Lavene write award-winning, bestselling mystery and urban fantasy fiction as themselves, J.J. Cook, and Ellie Grant. Their first mystery novel, Last Dance, won the Master’s Choice Award for best first mystery novel in 1999.

They have written and published more than 70 novels that are sold worldwide for Harlequin, Penguin, Amazon, and Simon and Schuster. They have also published hundreds of non-fiction articles for national and regional publications. They live in Midland, North Carolina with their family and their rescue pets—Rudi, Stan Lee, and Quincy.