A Day in the Life with Jackie Thum by Maddy Hunter

What’s six feet tall, believes everything is about her, makes mountains out of molehills, obsesses over shoes and makeup, has undertaken a never-ending quest to find the perfect job, and used to be a guy? Me! Jackie Thum. In another lifetime, when I was an aspiring...

Bonnie of Evidence by Maddy Hunter

Bonnie of Evidence by Maddy Hunter is the 8th book in the “Passport to Peril” mystery series. Publisher: Midnight Ink, February 2013 Emily Andrew-Miceli, travel escort extraordinaire, and her husband, Etienne, are leading a merry band of globetrotting seniors on a...

Traveling With Nana by Maddy Hunter

Us old folks have got a lot of time on our hands on account of we’re retired, so we like to take day trips to casinos, and longer trips to faraway spots we never been before. These longer trips are called “tours,” and my granddaughter, Emily Andrew Miceli, just...

Dutch Me Deadly by Maddy Hunter

Dutch Me Deadly by Maddy Hunter is the seventh book in the “Passport to Peril” mystery series. Publisher: Midnight Ink, February 2012 As a travel escort for seniors, Emily Andrew-Miceli has led her feisty Iowa clan all over the world. This time, they’re...