Will Holman first appeared in The Good Byline and one of the best ways to learn about a person is by asking questions, so let’s get to know Will.

What is your full name?
My full name is William Nicholas Holman

How old are you?
I am in my thirty-fourth year of life, which is to say I am thirty-three years old.

What is your profession?
Investigative reporter

Do you have a significant other?
Well, that’s an interesting question. The modifier “significant” obviously is a quite a subjective term and means different things to different people. It would therefore be impossible for me to answer with any degree of confidence that the question you were asking and the answer I was giving were, as the expression goes, apples to apples. However, for the sake of this interview, let me answer that at the present moment there are three people in my life whom I would consider “significant.” (Not all are romantic interests, however.)

What are their names and profession?
My mother, Camilla Holman. My co-worker, Riley Ellison. And my [clears throat]. . .new friend, Lindsey Davis.

Do you have any children?

Do you have any siblings?
No. I am an only child.

Are your parents nearby?
My mother lives in Washington, D.C, which is about 2 – 4 hours from Tuttle Corner, depending on traffic on I-95.

Who is your best friend?
[Pause] I’m sorry. . . I just haven’t been asked that in such a long time. The last time I remember being asked that, it was quite painful because I did not have an answer. But today I can say my best friend is Riley Ellison.

Do you have any pets?
I do not enjoy the company of animals.

What town do you live in?
Tuttle Corner, Virginia

Would you say you live in a small town or a big city?
Again, I have an issue with your modifiers. Terms like “small” and “big” are relative terms of measurement. Therefore, what is a small town to one person may not be considered so to another. [Sigh] However, for the purposes of this interview, I would say that most of your audience would consider Tuttle Corner a small town.

Type of dwelling and do you own or rent?
I rent a two-bedroom apartment.

What is your favorite spot in your home?
The display cases that feature my expert Lego constructions. People think Legos are a child’s toy, but actually they’re quite complicated and draw on advanced skills of spacial relations and engineer—

Favorite meal and dessert?
Doughnuts. Specifically bear claws. And that is the answer for both, as I have often made a meal out of two to four bear claws along with a glass of milk.

Do you have any hobbies?
I enjoy reading, building Legos, listening to records, and singing karaoke.

What is your favorite vacation spot?
I have not taken a vacation since coming to work at the Tuttle Times nine years ago. Vacations seem unnecessary and expensive. However, I do have fond memories of visiting the Outer Banks of North Carolina with my mother as a young boy.

What music do you listen to?
Mostly Jazz, though I do enjoy some pop music – particularly if it features the piano.

Do you have a favorite book?
Wonder by R.J. Palacio and The Elements of Style by Strunk & White.

What is your idea of a really fun time?
I would have to think about that. Can I get back to you?

If you were to write a memoir, what would you call it?
** Lessons from a Precise Life: the William Holman Story **

Amateur or professional sleuth and whom do you work with?
I am a professional Investigative reporter and, as I mentioned, I work on staff at the Tuttle Times. We’re a small paper so we all have to work across departments, but the person that I work most closely with is Riley Ellison.

What does a typical day look like when you are on a case?
Investigative reporting is a profession of details. It is ultimately a very orderly, precise and systematic pursuit— though it can seem chaotic while you’re in the information gathering phase of a story, which is my least favorite part. It feels like trying to put a jigsaw puzzle together without being able to see the picture on the box. But as the process moves on and the facts are compiled, it is invigorating. I love the challenge of tracking down disparate facts and placing them in order. And I find it extremely satisfying when our reporting is able to reveal a truth that someone was trying to hide—because that almost always comes at a cost to someone else, often the innocent. It feels gratifying to help right those sorts of wrongs. As a young child, I dreamed of being a member of the Justice League. In many ways, my profession makes me feel like I’ve achieved that goal—without the flashy uniform, supernatural powers, or the superior physical fitness, of course.

The Full Scoop is the fourth book in the “Riley Ellison” traditional mystery series, released June 9, 2020.

Reeling after tragedy hits close to home, young journalist Riley Ellison becomes obsessed with uncovering the secret that led to her grandfather’s murder years before and that just took another life in Tuttle Corner. Her desperate search for answers leads her down a dark path, both personally and professionally, as she struggles with how far she’s willing to go to get answers. Just as she finally discovers the truth, she’s forced to choose between exacting justice and protecting the people she loves most. With pressure coming in from all sides, Riley has to look deep within to decide if she can let go of the past in order to hold on to the future.

The publisher is offering my readers 20% discount + free shipping on signed paperback or hardback copies of The Full Scoop. You can order the book HERE using the code FREE20.

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About the author
Jill Orr is the award-nominated author of the Riley Ellison mystery series and the upcoming non-fiction humor book How Not To Be Old (Even If You Are). Orr lives in Columbia, Missouri with her husband and two children. The Full Scoop is her fourth novel. Visit her website at jillorrauthor.com.

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