Why do you write the genre that you write?
I write what I like to read: mysteries with quirky characters and a touch of romance. That puts me in cozy/humorous mystery territory. My first published book features a former fashion buyer who gave up her career to move back to the town where she grew up. Coincidentally (or perhaps not), I’m a former fashion buyer who has given up her career to move back to the town where I grew up . . .

Tell us how you got into writing?
I wrote (or attempted to write) my first book in high school. It was a teen romance in the style of Sweet Dreams Romances – the books that filled my TBR pile after Trixie Belden, The Three Investigators, Nancy Drew, and Connie Blair. It ended up being 26 pages long. Several years later, I thought the greatest career in the world would be to write a children’s mystery series, but I didn’t have any ideas. And a few years after that, I discovered Janet Evanovich, Laura Levine, Sarah Strohmeyer, and Lawrence Block, which opened my eyes to the world of humorous mysteries.

What’s next for you?
Tough Luxe, Samantha Kidd #11 (and my 30th book!) came out in February. In it, Samantha finds herself meeting with a former high school classmate – a pretzel heiress — in the local women’s prison, serving time for killing her husband. The question: did she or didn’t she? And my next book is Teacher’s Threat, Madison Night Mystery #8. After some particularly devastating circumstances in the previous book, Madison finds herself enrolled in business school, where her professor turns up dead. I’m about a quarter of the way through the story and already love the direction it’s headed. It is scheduled for June 2021.

What are you reading now?
I just started Laura Dave’s Hello Sunshine (women’s fiction) and Adam Grant’s Think Again (non-fiction). And as soon as I send this interview, I’m headed out to the bookstore to see what strikes me next.

Where can we find you?
These Covid-days, you can find me in my office in Pennsylvania! I’ve backed away from social media a lot over the past two years, but I send a weekly newsletter, The Weekly DiVa, on Sunday mornings. (New subscribers get that high school romance manuscript as one of the bonuses for signing up.) I’m also getting back into Goodreads, because who doesn’t love chatting about books?

The Weekly DiVa

Now to have some fun . . .

Vanilla or chocolate

Pizza or burgers

Broccoli or squash

Breakfast, lunch, or dinner

Mountain or beach

Introvert or Extrovert


And even more fun . . .

You are stranded on a deserted island. What are your three must-haves?
A wi-fi signal, an e-reader, and reading glasses. Time enough at last!

My bio:
After two decades working for a top luxury retailer, Diane Vallere traded fashion accessories for accessories to murder. She is a national bestselling author and a past president of Sisters in Crime. She started her own detective agency at age ten and has maintained a passion for shoes, clues, and clothes ever since.