Why do you write the genre that you write?
You’re supposed to write what you know. Well, I’ve always loved reading cozy mysteries! As a teenager, I read and re-read every book in the Cat Who series by Lillian Jackson Braun. After reading so many, I naturally wanted to try my hand at writing them.

Tell us how you got into writing?
I think I must have been born wanting to write. It really is one of my first memories. I love books and I love stories. I was writing little books while still in Kindergarten. I vividly remember one about a purple people eater and a little boy named Tommy who took him down with a bb gun. I’m happy to report that my writing skills have improved since then.

What’s next for you?
I’m currently writing the third book in the Beloved Bookroom Mystery series. The second book comes out in the fall. In A Perfect Bind, someone is breaking into the secret bookroom, but Tru cannot go to the police to report the crime since the bookroom is. . .a secret. So, she and her friends must figure out what’s going on for themselves.

I’ll also be working on the next Southern Chocolate Shop mystery, (tentatively titled) Chocolate Drop Dead.

What are you reading now?
I’ve been lucky and have been reading a couple of wonderful mysteries that aren’t yet available for sale. I recently finished Death of a Red Hot Rancher (September 2021), the first book in the Love is Murder Mystery series by Mimi Granger. I enjoyed reading a cozy set in a bookstore that sold only romance novels. It’s a twisty, suspenseful mystery and completely fun to read.

I’m currently reading Linda Lovely’s upcoming traditional mystery, With Neighbors Like These (July 2021), the first book in the HOA Mystery series. It’s really well done, and I’m anxious to find out what happens next.

I hope y’all look out for these books when they hit bookstore shelves.

Where can we find you?
Facebook: facebook.com/dorothy.stjames
Twitter: @dorothywrites
Instagram: @dorothymcfalls
Website: dorothystjames.com

Now to have some fun . . .

Vanilla or chocolate
Chocolate! Except for cake. Chocolate cake is often too dry.

Pizza or burgers

Broccoli or squash
No fair. I like them both! If I had to choose: Squash.

Breakfast, lunch, or dinner
Breakfast. It’s the closest meal to a dessert.

Mountain or beach

Introvert or Extrovert
100 % Introvert

And even more fun . . .

You are stranded on a deserted island. What are your three must-haves?
Gracious. That’s hard. My family. (Why suffer alone?) A full Kindle. A fully stocked beach house.

My bio:
Dorothy St. James is the author of The Southern Chocolate Shop Mystery series and the White House Gardener Mystery series. She makes her home in the Lowcountry of South Carolina with her husband, daughter, two needy pups, and one patient cat. She’s a member of Sister’s in Crime, Mystery Writers of America, and International Thriller Writers.