Why do you write the genre that you write?
I write what I read. I have always loved mysteries that can make you laugh one second and make your jaw drop the next. For me, those tend to be lighter mysteries like cozies or domestic suspense. And as a black woman, I didn’t see people who looked like me solving the crimes nearly enough so I want to do everything in my power to make sure little girls like my niece don’t grow up feeling the same.

Tell us how you got into writing?
I’m one of those annoying people who knew I wanted to be a writer since I was five years old. My mom still has a notebook of stories I started and never finished! Over thirty years later and I still struggle to actually finish writing a book.

What’s next for you?
In a dream world, what’s next would be winning the lotto and moving to my own private island. Until then though, I’m working on a standalone. Like A Sister is a Megan Miranda-esque #ownvoices domestic suspense novel about a woman looking into the overdose death of a one-time reality star found within blocks of her house—her own estranged younger sister. (Isn’t that a cool description? I can say that because Lori Rader-Day wrote the description for me after I kept going on and on and on about my work-in-progress.)

What are you reading now?
I just finished Her Three Lives by Cate Holahan an #ownvoices domestic suspense about a black woman appropriately described as “Gaslight goes hi-tech.” It’s out April 2021. Up next is Murder My Past by Delia C. Pitts, the fifth book in her Harlem-set Ross Agency P.I. series, which is out in February. (If this sounds like I’m bragging about getting to read books early, I am.)

Where can we find you?
Stuck in my house stalking Twitter and Instagram when I should be writing! If you’d like to stalk me when you should be writing, I’m at:
Website: kellyegarrett.com
Twitter: twitter.com/kellyekell
Facebook: facebook.com/kellyegarrettauthor
Goodreads: goodreads.com/kellyekell
Amazon: amazon.com/author/kellyegarrett

Just don’t show up at my house (or my island when I win the lotto).

Now to have some fun . . .

Vanilla or chocolate

Pizza or burgers
Pizza. (This was the hardest question I ever had to answer in my life.)

Broccoli or Squash
Broccoli. (This was the easiest.)

Breakfast, lunch, or dinner
Breakfast for dinner.

Mountain or beach
Beach! Who wants to do all that work climbing when you can just sit?

Introvert or Extrovert
Extroverted introvert. I’m an ISFJ for those into Myers Briggs personality typing. (So is Beyonce! #Humblebrag)

My bio:
Kellye Garrett’s Hollywood Homicide, about a semi-famous, mega-broke black actress, won the Anthony, Agatha, Lefty, and IPPY for best first novel. It’s also one of BookBub’s “Top 100 Crime Novels of All Time.” The second, Hollywood Ending, was featured on the TODAY show’s Best Summer Reads of 2019 and was nominated for both Anthony and Lefty awards. She serves on Sisters in Crime’s national board and is a co-founder of Crime Writers of Color.