Alaskan AllianceHi, my name is Zoe Donovan. I am a 25 year old newly engaged woman who lives in the quaint hamlet of Ashton Falls. Every year I make exactly 5 New Year’s Resolutions. No more, no less. My fiancé Zak thinks my adherence to this rule a bit odd, but more than 5 makes it seem like I’m reaching for the stars giving me a reason to give up entirely, and less that 5 makes me feel like a slacker.

So here goes:
1) I resolve not to let my mom drive me crazy with wedding planning. (Seriously, everyone complains about bridezilla’s but no one mentions momzillas. My mother wants to take me to Paris to buy a wedding dress. Paris!!! Who in their right mind flies halfway around the world to buy a dress? Zak says that I should do my wedding my way which I assure you does not include a trip to Paris. I wonder if I can buy a wedding dress on Amazon. No muss, no fuss, plus free shipping for Prime members.

2) I resolve to keep my nose out of others peoples business. As long as it doesn’t concern me. Or intrigue me. Or provide a distraction when nothing is on television.

3) Speaking of television, I resolve to watch less TV. Unless either American Idol or Dancing with the Stars is on. Or Kitchen Wars. And of course it would be un-American not to watch Duck Dynasty. And you never know when the survival skills you might pick up on Survivor, or relationship tips you might gleam from Big Brother, will come in handy.

4) Speaking of relationship skills, I resolve not to be so jealous. Or needy. Or possessive. Okay, maybe jealousy is a given but I will not to jump to conclusions. Of course there are times when you need only take a tiny little step and there conclusions are, no jumping required.

5) And finally, I resolve not to let more than one homicidal maniac almost kill me this year. Last year? Well I don’t know that we need to discuss numbers but suffice it to say it was more than five.

You can read more about Zoe in Alaskan Alliance, the 12th book in the “Zoe Donovan” mystery series, published by Kathi Daley. The first book in the series is Halloween Hijinks.

GIVEAWAY: Leave a comment by 6 p.m. eastern on January 8 for the chance to win either a print or kindle copy of ALASKAN ALLIANCE. The print giveaway is open to U.S. residents only. The kindle copy is open to everyone.

Meet the author
Kathi Daley lives with her husband, kids, grandkids, and Bernese mountain dogs in beautiful Lake Tahoe. When she isn’t writing, she likes to read (preferably at the beach or by the fire), cook (preferably something with chocolate or cheese), and garden (planting and planning, not weeding). She also enjoys spending time on the water when she’s not hiking, biking, or snowshoeing the miles of desolate trails surrounding her home.

Kathi uses the mountain setting in which she lives, along with the animals (wild and domestic) that share her home, as inspiration for her cozy mysteries.

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