Get To Know ~ Maggie McDonald by Mary Feliz

Sometimes the best way to know a person is by asking questions, so let’s meet Maggie. What is your name? Maggie McDonald. How old are you? I’m in my mid-40s, though some days I feel 120 and on others fear my teenaged boys may be more mature than I am. What is...

My Musing ~ Disorderly Conduct by Mary Feliz

Disorderly Conduct by Mary Feliz is the fourth book in the Maggie McDonald mystery series. Publisher: Lyrical Underground, coming, July 10, 2018 Professional organizer Maggie McDonald manages to balance a fastidious career with friends, family, and a spunky Golden...

A day in the life of Maggie McDonald by Mary Feliz

Decluttering can be deadly If you’ve been living on this planet, or even in a nearby solar system, you’ve been barraged by messages from news outlets, best sellers, and talk shows about decluttering, downsizing, and tidying up. They may have inspired you...

My Musing ~ Dead Storage by Mary Feliz

Dead Storage by Mary Feliz is the third book in the “Maggie McDonald” mystery series. Publisher: Lyrical Underground, coming July 18, 2017 As a professional organizer, Maggie McDonald brings order to messy situations. But when a good friend becomes a murder suspect,...

What a day with Maggie McDonald by Mary Feliz

Dru asked me to share a typical day in the life of Maggie McDonald, sole proprietor of Simplicity Itself Organizing Services and the protagonist of the Maggie McDonald Mystery series. But she’s a take-charge kind of gal, and insisted on telling her own...